Are You Genuine?

Embodying Authenticity: Understanding, Becoming, and Identifying Genuine People

Are you Genuine?


The human society thrives on relationships, and their authenticity is a significant factor in determining their strength and durability. Genuine people are those who live their lives truthfully, maintaining an attitude of honesty towards themselves and others. They hold the remarkable capacity to inspire trust, build strong connections, and foster an environment of sincerity. This article aims to provide an understanding of the core traits of genuine people, offer a roadmap to becoming more authentic, and guide on how to identify such individuals in your surroundings.

So, emotional intelligence is a way to focus your energy with tremendous results. But, if you are not genuine, emotional intelligence won’t do a thing for you!

Demonstration of emotional intelligence without emotions being authentic does not go a long way. Employees look up to leaders who not only motivate and encourage them through their words but respect those who walk the talk.


Characteristics of Genuine People



Genuine people are authentic. They do not pretend to be someone they are not and are comfortable being their true selves, even if it makes them different from others.


These individuals are honest, not just with others but also with themselves. They admit their mistakes and take responsibility for their actions.


Genuine people are consistent in their actions and beliefs, even when circumstances change. They stick to their values and principles, no matter the situation.


They are empathetic and sensitive to the feelings and needs of others. They listen with an open mind and heart, without judgment or prejudice.


Genuine people are reliable and dependable. If they commit to something, they follow through.


They are open to new ideas and experiences. They appreciate different perspectives and are always eager to learn.




How to Become Genuine



Spend time understanding who you are, your values, and your passions. Embrace your strengths and weaknesses and work towards personal growth.


Practice honesty in every aspect of your life. Accept your mistakes, learn from them, and move on.


Cultivate empathy by understanding and respecting the feelings of others. Try to put yourself in their shoes and see things from their perspective.


Remain true to your values, even when it’s challenging or inconvenient.


Be open and transparent about your thoughts and feelings. It doesn’t mean oversharing but communicating effectively and honestly.

The usual practice is to compare your behavior with someone you think is more genuine. Consider the hallmarks of genuine people and see how you stack up.


Identifying Genuine People


Consistent Behavior:

Genuine people exhibit consistent behavior. They don’t change their beliefs or attitudes based on convenience or societal pressure.

Good Listeners:

They are attentive listeners who show interest in other people’s stories and experiences without making it about themselves.

No Need for Validation:

They are self-assured and don’t seek constant validation or approval from others.

Honest Opinions:

Genuine people share their honest opinions, even if they are unpopular. They are respectful but don’t shy away from speaking their mind.

Nonjudgmental Attitude:

They don’t judge or make assumptions about others. They accept people for who they are, acknowledging that everyone has a unique journey.




Read on for 5 ways to know if someone is ungenuine


Inability to Maintain Confidentiality

Genuine individuals respect privacy and uphold the sanctity of shared secrets. If a person tends to disclose confidential information or breaks promises consistently, their sincerity should be questioned. Be cautious with people who overcommit or make untenable promises. Also, excessive usage of “I” in their conversations might be a reflection of arrogance and lack of sincerity.

They Induce Negative Feelings

A sign of an ungenuine person is if you frequently feel negative or upset after interacting with them. They might habitually demean others or undermine self-confidence, suggesting a lack of authenticity. Genuine individuals aim to uplift others, not bring them down. If you find someone’s words or actions constantly bringing you down, it’s a sign they lack sincerity.

Unnecessary Apologies

Over-apologizing for minor incidents or things that don’t warrant an apology might indicate a lack of genuineness. While it may seem like politeness on the surface, it could potentially be a maneuver to enhance their image or project a false sense of humility. Authentic people understand the value of apologies and don’t misuse them.

Self-centered Motives

Genuine people exhibit selflessness and have a vested interest in the well-being of others. If a person is primarily focused on deriving personal benefits from interactions, it’s a red flag for their authenticity. It’s important to distinguish between mutual give-and-take relationships and one-sided relationships dominated by self-centered motives.

Braggart Behavior

A true hallmark of ungenuine people is constant self-promotion and boasting. Genuine individuals don’t need to proclaim their worth continuously; their actions and demeanor naturally reflect their character. If someone is always highlighting their accomplishments or material possessions, it suggests a lack of authenticity. A genuinely wise person practices humility and allows their actions to speak louder than words.



In conclusion, the essence of genuineness lies in authenticity, empathy, and consistency. While it may be a journey of self-growth and introspection to become more genuine, the rewards are profound as they help build stronger, more sincere relationships. Recognizing the signs of inauthentic behavior allows us to create a more trustworthy and empathetic environment, fostering mutual respect and understanding. Embracing authenticity, in essence, empowers us to live our truth, inspire others with our integrity, and leave a lasting positive impact on our surroundings.
Farzi Ahmed