3 Ways to Be Practice Mindfulness & Happiness @ Work

3 Ways to Be Practice Mindfulness @ Work

Lately, seems like a lot of terms are getting added to the corporate dictionary. ‘Mindfulness‘ happens to be the recent entrée and the new favourite amongst HR professionals.

So what is ‘mindfulness’? Does it mean ‘meditation’ in a new avatar? Is is possible to practice ‘mindfulness’ at work? Read on to find out interesting facts and ways to practice it at work…

Well, mindfulness is a practice that originated in Buddhism and is a way one trains the mind to pay attention to changes in one’s internal and external self as they happen at the moment. It trains one to focus only on the present moment and to let go of thoughts as time passes by. Meditation is just one way to be more mindful.

3 Ways to Be Practice Mindfulness & Happiness @ Work


Merging ‘Mindfulness‘ into your life is not difficult at all. Here are a few ways you can incorporate it into work:

Be Aware:

Being aware of what is happening within you and around you at every moment is important. If you are working on a particular task, being mindful means you focus only on that task and nothing else. When you start to have thoughts about lunch, a new email, or any other random thought you recognise the thought but immediately return to the task you were working on. 


The ‘Big Picture’ :

Mindfulness helps us  see the big picture. It helps us form a more objective viewpoint when looking at how things are and how they might be.

When we are able to see it objectively and believe that all outcomes are possible are able to focus on the present moment.

Limiting multitasking:

People usually multitask because it makes them feel like they have accomplished more than their peers. In reality multitasking actually, hurts productivity as it takes time and energy to switch between multiple tasks. Being mindful can help us break the multitasking habit.

Multitasking has become one of the important capabilities of an employee. People usually multitask because it makes them feel like they are getting more done. In reality, multitasking hurts productivity as it takes time and energy to switch between multiple tasks. Being mindful helps break the multitasking habit and help prioritize the tasks at work and concentrate on completing the task with finesse.

Final thoughts ~

On a closing note, many people may be resistant to the idea of mindfulness due to their perceptions of it. As a leader, you can help change how your employees view mindfulness so that they may be more willing to try it.

In today’s era of apps, there are a few apps that encourage mindfulness with principles of gamification, allowing employees to get all the benefits of mindfulness at work and the benefits of gamification – thereby improving productivity, engagement, happiness, and meaning.

Farzi Ahmed