03 Aug Are You A High Performer OR A Workaholic ?
Let’s begin with asking you if you are a workaholic or a high performer? Most workaholic believe that they are high performers, but are they in reality? Read on to find out which of the two are you and leave a comment below:
1. Value Matters:
A high performer never waits for a performance review meeting. They identify their areas of improvement and constantly works on them rather than waiting for feedback from their peers.
A workaholic, on the other hand, relies on validation of their efforts from their boss, peers or clients.
2. 100% Commitment:
A high performer knows when to “turn it up.” They know when they’re expected or required to give everything they have — and they save their energy for those occasions. Whereas, a workaholic goes all out all the time: “They have difficulty prioritising what’s important, therefore, everything is important in their mind.”
3. Get Business Vs Being Busy:
A high performer’s primary goal is to do business and positively affect the organisation’s bottom line. Whereas a workaholic’s goal is to be busy at all times — as they believe that the busier they are or appear, the more important they must be because they feel insecure doing nothing.
Now that the subtle differences between workaholics and high performers, which one do you actually identify yourself with?
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