21 Jun How Important Is The Culture Of A Company?
“Culture eats Strategy for breakfast”
                                        – Peter Drucker
Read this very interesting article in the Harvard Business Review on how company culture drives employee motivation. The article captured the essence of how culture impacts employee performance and how much is this intangible asset worth!
We’ve all seen companies that have a great company culture… think about Google, Facebook, Twitter, Airbnb and some of the other giants. What makes them so special? How do they create an atmosphere that has people daydreaming about working for them? How can you bring that culture into your offices? Most importantly, what can we learn from them?Â
Read Also:Â How to get appreciated by your Boss in 1 Month!!
Great Place to Work research shows, time and again, that organisations with a thriving workplace culture tend to grow significantly faster than peers, and the “best” companies that we study year after year offer valuable lessons on building an organisational strategy that puts employees at the centre.
A people -centric workplace is not only good for the growth of the business, it also brings in high profits. People are at the core of every organisation, and an organisation’s employees – its people – are the most important investment it will make. Even as technology advances and capital shifts, it is the leadership and personal contributions of the individual employees who comprise an organisation’s workforce that ultimately set it apart from competitors.
See Also:Â 10 Reasons why not to work in a Startup in India Today
Great workplaces foster an environment of communication, fairness, respect, and trust – while creating opportunities for people to grow as employees, and as individuals. So, is your organisation meeting or exceeding these employee expectations?