5 Things About Employees Their Bosses Want To Know

5 Things About Employees Their Bosses Want To Know

A boss-employee relationship has always being characterised by a set of promises. The boss, promises a degree of security and safety, the resources to perform jobs, such as computers and a workspace, and opportunities for career advancement in the company. In return, the employee promises the use of his skills and experience to do good work and bring laurels for the business.

So, how does one gauge if this relationship is healthy and on the right track? Here are 5 things about bosses would want to know about their employees:

1. Demonstrate dependability

Certain core expectations are required for all jobs, but dependability is probably at the top of the list. Managers like dependable employees because they set and maintain clear expectations.

5 Things About Employees Their Bosses Want To Know


2. Self–motivated performer

Managers are keen to know if their team members have a level of self–motivation that will not require a high level of “hand-holding,” as well as the ability to tackle the expected obstacles that arise in day to day business.

5 Things About Employees Their Bosses Want To Know

3. Positive representation of their brand

Managers want their  team members to be trustworthy, have solid reputations – inside and outside of work – and have a good work ethic. Such individuals help enhance their organisation and the brand.

5 Things About Employees Their Bosses Want To Know

4. Demonstrate positive attitude at work

Great employees maintain a positive attitude, even during difficult situations. They promote a team spirit and good morale, and they are a pleasure to work with and be around; a trait that is often minimised as an essential job characteristic.

5 Things About Employees Their Bosses Want To Know


5. Ability to Work in a Team

No one can achieve “greatness” in an organisation completely on their own, and remarkable employees know this to be true. They are the ideal team player who can highlight their own successes, as well as praise others for theirs. These employees recognise that success is better achieved through teamwork, always.

5 Things About Employees Their Bosses Want To Know


Farzi Ahmed