Can One Enhance Employee Happiness By AI?

Can Employee Happiness Be Enhanced By Artificial Intelligence?

Yes, you read it right! Artificial intelligence devised by the Japan-based giant, Hitachi may soon tell you how to be happier on the job.

Hitachi will launch its artificial intelligence-based wearable device by the end of this year. Employee behaviour will be analysed and employee’s happiness quotient will be calculated. Basis the findings personalised suggestions will be sent out to the employee in order to uplift their emotion and efficiency.




The device measures a variety of daily actions of an individual- sitting, standing and talking. The software embedded in the device then uses these patterns to calculate wearers’ happiness levels. Additionally, the device is connected to the user’s smartphone to receive advice drawn through AI.

Can One Enhance Employee Happiness By AI?

The AI analyse a month’s worth of data and determines what actions make individuals happier. It then recommends whether an employee should complete their desk work in the morning or talk to a certain person. The data will be anonymized to protect privacy, though users will be able to see their own data.

Hitachi wants to determine whether changing employee behaviour improves their efficiency. The company hopes to launch the technology to users this year as a way to boost workplace synergy.


Farzi Ahmed