29 Jul 5 Traits of the Successful Startup CEOs
We know that running a startup is hard.
You know, Nine out of ten startups will fail, yes it is true. But why? There are many reasons startups fail such as poor marketing, cost issues, no business model, and etc.
So, in this complex startup world, If you want to run a successful startup then you should have some qualities as a startup CEO.
1. Vision
As a startup CEO, you should have the ability to build a product or develop the services that matter to people. Let me ask you a question? So, if you don’t have that ability then how can people remember your name? right? Most of the successful CEOs focus on their products or services growth and analyze their trends on the market.
2. Good at Recruiting
They are good at hiring and firing. They hire the best talent people by seeing their knowledge not only degrees.
3. Salesman
Every great entrepreneur is a salesman. So, as a CEO, you should convince the people or clients to sell your product or service. “If it’s not in your nature to convince someone to come around to your way of thinking, you’re not ever going to get your business off the ground.”–Gerard Danford, academic Ph.D.
4. Stays Focused
You know, Steve Jobs wouldn’t let teams move off their tasks until they really finished them. Focus, just focus on your goals.
5. Resilient
AirBnB took 1,000 days for its business to start working. Imagine if they gave up on day 999? The best CEO never stops going to reach their goal even when it seems everything is going against him.
See Also: Top 5 Reasons Why Startups Should Work From CoWorking Space