16 Jun Working From Home and Office: A Guide to Finding the Balance
Working from home has become the norm for more and more people. The flexibility it offers, in terms of not having to leave your home at all, is a massive bonus. But, working from home also has its own challenges. A lot of people who work from home struggle to balance their work and personal life. This article explores how you can find balance between working from home and your office, so that both are useful and beneficial to you as an employee. Working from home or the office doesn’t directly impact your performance as an employee. The way you conduct yourself at either place will have a massive impact on your career. Working from home is beneficial when it comes to maintaining a healthy work-life balance, but it might seem like a challenge if you have trouble focusing at home.
Create a workspace at home
There are a few key things to consider when creating a space at home to work. Sound: Working from home means you’re less likely to be distracted by chatter and office noise, but you may not have the same level of control over the noise you’re exposed to. A noisy refrigerator can be just as distracting as a colleague’s phone call. Light: You may end up working at all hours of the day. You may want to invest in some artificial lighting to help you adjust to different times of day. Or, you might want to change up the curtains to block out the sun if it’s shining in too brightly. Space: Find a place in your home where you can set up a workstation. It doesn’t have to be a corner office, but you do want to make sure you have enough space to feel comfortable at your workstation. Ideally, you’ll want a quiet place where you can focus without being interrupted.
Make exercise a priority
Working from home means that you’ll likely have more flexibility in your daily schedule than an office worker. This could be an opportunity to find a few minutes to exercise. If you don’t have time for a long workout, then make the most of your commute to work. If you drive to work, make sure to find time for exercise. Many people feel like they don’t have time to work out, or they don’t see the point in exercising because they feel like they’re too busy. But research shows that those who exercise regularly have a higher sense of well-being and show less signs of depression and anxiety. Exercise has the added benefit of helping to reduce stress. Finding ways to reduce stress is key to working from home since you won’t have other people nearby to help you regulate your stress. Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and make sure you stay healthy so you can work productively for as long as possible.
Utilize technology to stay productive
Working from home, you might feel like you have less structure to your day. This can be a good thing, but it can also be detrimental if you don’t have a plan in place. Having a routine and structure in your day will help you stay productive. This is especially true if you struggle to focus while at home. There are plenty of apps and services you can use to help keep you on track with your work. You may find that certain apps work better at different times of day. Some apps are designed to help you stay on schedule during the workday, while others help you stay productive in the early morning hours before work. Making sure that you keep yourself accountable for your work is key. This is especially true when you work from home, since you may feel less pressure to get work done since there is no immediate boss looking over your shoulder. Having tech and apps in place can help you stay productive and accountable for your work so you can get the job done.
Create boundaries with work and play
Separating work and play is important for anyone who works from home. It’s easy to get lost in the work that you have to get done. You can make it easier to transition from work to play by having a set of rules or boundaries. For example, you can set a rule that you only have a certain amount of time to work at a computer each day. After that point, you have to stop and do something else. You can also set boundaries around when you work and when you don’t work. For example, you could work a 9-to-5 schedule, but you have to spend the rest of your time doing activities that aren’t related to work, such as spending time with family and friends or pursuing hobbies.
Have a Break Strategy
Taking breaks is important, but it’s something that many workers forget to do. Having a break strategy will help you remember to take breaks and will help you transition back into work with ease when the break is over. Some people like to take a walk when they’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Others like to sit in a sauna for stress relief. These strategies can help you calm down and get less stressed when work is feeling too much for you. Working from home definitely has some advantages over an office job. You can make your own schedule, you can set your own hours, and you don’t have to deal with commuting. But, it also comes with some drawbacks. You don’t have as many people around you to help you stay focused, you have less structure to your day, and you don’t have that sense of community that you might find at an office job.
Know the perks and disadvantages of working from home
Working from home is a flexible and rewarding way to make money. But like all jobs, it has its disadvantages as well. The main disadvantage of working from home is that you don’t have the company of others. Although it might be tempting to let your hair down, put on your pajamas, and forget to shower, you should still make an effort to look presentable from time to time. After all, you never know who might pop by unexpectedly. You’ll also have less structure and less to do during the workday. So, it’s up to you to make sure you stay productive. Working from home doesn’t come with a boss looking over your shoulder telling you to get to work. So, you’ll have to make sure you stay motivated and productive on your own.
Create a routine to combat distractions
Working from home is great when it comes to flexibility, but it can also be a disadvantage when it comes to distractions. When you’re working in an office, you’re surrounded by other people. This can help you stay focused and avoid distractions. Working from home, though, you don’t have that same level of help. This can be a disadvantage, but it can also be a huge advantage depending on your situation. You have the ability to create a very focused work environment. You have the ability to block out distractions and keep yourself on task. You can do this by creating a routine for yourself. This can include everything from how you start your day to how you end your day. Make sure that you’re blocking out time for tasks that are important but also don’t require a lot of thought. This will help you stay focused and productive.
Build a healthy workspace
Your workspace is important, but it doesn’t have to be anything fancy or expensive. You just want to make sure that you’re comfortable and well-equipped for work. If you work at a desk, make sure that you have a good chair. You want to make sure that you’re sitting up straight and keeping good posture. This can help you avoid back pain and discomfort. You can also make sure that you have adequate lighting. This can make a big difference in helping you focus and stay on task. You can also make sure that you have plenty of space for everything you need. This includes not just your computer, but also books, papers, and other materials that you’ll be referencing regularly.