time clock faq answered by the experts

42 Time Clock FAQ Answered by the Professionals

42 Time Clock FAQ’s Answered!


1. What is ClockIt Time Clock?

ClockIt Time Clock is a time and attendance software designed to help businesses efficiently track and manage employee hours. It simplifies the process of creating time sheets, calculating payroll, and ensuring accurate timekeeping.


2. How does the time clock feature work?

The time clock feature allows employees to clock in and out using the app. This data is then automatically recorded and organized into time sheets for easy management and payroll calculations.


3. Is the ClockIt Time Clock app available on both iOS and Android?

Yes, the ClockIt Time Clock app is available for download on both iOS and Android devices.


4. How does the time and attendance feature help my business?

The time and attendance feature provides a comprehensive overview of employee work hours, helping you to manage staffing levels effectively and reduce labor costs.


5. Can I edit time sheets in the software?

Yes, administrators can edit time sheets as necessary to correct any inaccuracies and ensure that payroll is processed correctly.


6. How does the time card feature differ from traditional time cards?

The time card feature in ClockIt Time Clock digitalizes the traditional time card system, making it easier to track, manage, and store employee work hours.


7. Is there a calculator feature for payroll?

Yes, ClockIt Time Clock includes a payroll calculator that automatically computes employee wages based on their recorded time and attendance data.


8. How secure is my data with ClockIt Time Clock?

We prioritize data security. All your time and attendance data is encrypted and securely stored in compliance with industry standards. We do not share or sell any information with any third party.


9. Can I integrate ClockIt Time Clock with my existing payroll system?

Yes, our software is designed to seamlessly integrate with most popular payroll systems. You can use our API’s or integrate with Zapier and Pipedream.


10. How many employees can I manage with this app?

ClockIt Time Clock is scalable and can accommodate businesses of all sizes, from small teams to large enterprises.

time clock in the office


11. Is the ClockIt Time Clock software cloud-based?

Yes, ClockIt Time Clock is a cloud-based solution, allowing you to access your time and attendance data from anywhere with an internet connection.


12. Can employees clock in and out remotely?

Yes, employees can use the app to clock in and out from remote locations, making it ideal for remote and field-based teams.


13. How does ClockIt Time Clock help with labor law compliance?

Our software helps you maintain accurate and detailed time sheets, which are essential for complying with labor laws and avoiding potential legal issues.


14. Is there a free trial available?

Yes, we offer a 14 day free trial period for you to explore the features and benefits of ClockIt Time Clock.


15. How much does the ClockIt Time Clock software cost?

Please visit our pricing page for detailed information on our various subscription plans.


16. How do I set up ClockIt Time Clock for my business?

Setting up ClockIt Time Clock is simple. Just sign up for an account, and follow the step-by-step setup guide provided in the app.


17. Can I export time sheets and reports?

Yes, you can easily export timesheets and various reports in multiple formats, including Excel and CSV for further processing.


18. Does ClockIt Time Clock support multiple locations or departments?

Yes, our software allows you to manage employees across multiple locations and departments within the same account.


19. How do I contact customer support?

You can reach our customer support team via email, phone, or through the support section in the app.


time clock for freelancers


20. Is ClockIt Time Clock suitable for freelancers or contractors?

While ClockIt Time Clock is primarily designed for businesses, freelancers and contractors may also find it useful for tracking their work hours and generating invoices.


21. Can I set different pay rates for different employees?

Yes, the software allows you to set individual pay rates for each employee, which the payroll calculator will use to compute wages.


22. Does ClockIt Time Clock support shift scheduling?

Yes, our software includes a robust shift scheduling feature that helps you plan and communicate work schedules with your employees.


23. Can employees view their own time sheets and schedules?

Yes, employees can access their own time sheets and schedules through the app, promoting transparency and engagement. Employees can use our mobile apps or use the web account to access the information.


24. How often is the software updated?

We regularly update ClockIt Time Clock to add new features, improve performance, and ensure security.


25. What sets ClockIt Time Clock apart from other time tracking solutions?

ClockIt Time Clock is designed to be user-friendly, scalable, and comprehensive. It integrates time tracking, attendance management, payroll calculations, and reporting into one seamless solution, making it a top choice for businesses of all sizes.


26. What is ClockIt Time Clock’s biometric tracking feature?

ClockIt Time Clock’s biometric tracking feature allows businesses to use biometric data, such as fingerprints or facial recognition, to verify employee identities when they clock in and out. This ensures a high level of accuracy and prevents time theft through “buddy punching.”


27. Is the biometric data collected by ClockIt Time Clock secure?

Yes, the security of your employees’ biometric data is a top priority for us. ClockIt Time Clock uses advanced encryption and security protocols to ensure that all biometric data is stored and transmitted securely.


28. Can I use ClockIt Time Clock’s biometric tracking with existing biometric devices?

Yes, ClockIt Time Clock is designed to integrate seamlessly with a wide range of biometric devices. This allows you to leverage your existing hardware while taking advantage of our advanced time and attendance software.


29. How does biometric tracking improve the accuracy of time and attendance data?

Biometric tracking eliminates the possibility of employees clocking in or out for each other, known as “buddy punching.” By requiring a unique biological characteristic (like a fingerprint or face scan) to clock in or out, it ensures that time data is accurate and tied directly to the specific employee.


time clock and labor laws


30. Are there any legal considerations for using biometric tracking with ClockIt Time Clock?

While biometric tracking can significantly improve the accuracy of time and attendance data, it is important to be aware of the legal regulations surrounding the use of biometric data in your jurisdiction. We recommend consulting with a legal professional to ensure that your use of ClockIt Time Clock’s biometric tracking feature is in compliance with relevant laws and regulations.


31. What is ClockIt Time Clock’s location tracking feature?

ClockIt Time Clock’s location tracking feature allows employers to monitor the locations from which employees are clocking in and out. This is especially useful for businesses with remote or field-based teams to ensure that employees are working from the correct location.


32. How does the geo-fencing feature work in ClockIt Time Clock?

Geo-fencing in ClockIt Time Clock allows you to set specific geographical boundaries, or “fences,” within which employees are allowed to clock in and out. If an employee attempts to clock in or out from a location outside of these set boundaries, the system can send an alert to the manager or prevent the clocking action altogether.


33. Is the location data collected by ClockIt Time Clock secure and private?

Yes, ClockIt Time Clock prioritizes the security and privacy of all data, including location data. We use advanced encryption and security protocols to ensure that location data is stored and transmitted securely, and we are committed to complying with relevant privacy regulations.


34. Can I customize the geo-fencing boundaries for different employees or teams?

Yes, ClockIt Time Clock allows you to set and customize geo-fencing boundaries for individual employees, specific teams, or various job sites. This flexibility ensures that the geo-fencing feature aligns with the unique needs of your business operations.


time clock with location


35. Are employees notified when they are outside of the geo-fencing boundaries?

Yes, ClockIt Time Clock can be configured to send notifications to employees when they attempt to clock in or out from a location outside of the established geo-fencing boundaries. This helps to keep employees informed and promotes accountability.


36. How does ClockIt capture clock-in and clock-out times using the mobile app?

With the ClockIt mobile app, employees can clock in and out directly from their smartphones. The app records the exact time of each action and, if enabled, the location from which the action was taken, providing accurate and convenient time tracking.


37. Can employees use a web clock to record their time with ClockIt?

Yes, ClockIt offers a web clock feature that allows employees to clock in and out directly from a web browser. This is a convenient option for employees who primarily work on computers and prefer not to use a mobile app.


38. How does the kiosk mode work in ClockIt Time Clock?

ClockIt’s kiosk mode allows businesses to set up a dedicated device (such as a tablet or computer) at a specific location where employees can clock in and out. This is ideal for businesses with a central office or specific job sites where employees begin and end their workdays.


39. How can I integrate ClockIt Time Clock with Slack or Teams?

ClockIt Time Clock can be integrated with popular communication platforms like Slack and Microsoft Teams. Once integrated, employees can conveniently clock in and out directly from within the Slack or Teams interface, making time tracking a seamless part of their workday communication.


40. How does biometric clocking work with ClockIt Time Clock?

ClockIt Time Clock’s biometric feature allows employees to clock in and out using unique biological characteristics, such as a fingerprint scan or facial recognition. This method ensures that the person clocking in or out is indeed the employee associated with that time record, thereby preventing time theft and ensuring accurate timekeeping.


41. How does ClockIt Time Clock streamline the payroll process?

ClockIt Time Clock automatically compiles accurate and detailed time sheets for each employee, which can be seamlessly exported to your payroll system. This eliminates manual data entry, reduces errors, and significantly speeds up the payroll process.


42. How does ClockIt Time Clock help prevent payroll errors?

By automating the collection and calculation of time and attendance data, ClockIt Time Clock minimizes the risk of human error that is often associated with manual data entry. The software provides a clear and auditable trail of all clock-in and clock-out events, making it easy to spot and correct any discrepancies before processing payroll.



Basil Abbas

Basil is the Founder and CTO at ClockIt. With over 10 years of experience in the products space, there is no challenge that is too big in front of him be it sales, marketing, coding, etc. A people person and loves working in a startup for perfection.