16 Sep Kronos vs ClockIt
Here is our comparison Kronos vs ClockIt. Kronos is an excellent software. But they are tailor made to a very specific industry where as ClockIt is more suited to small and medium businesses. The key difference between Kronos and ClockIt is the way ClockIt releases features. All features in ClockIt are designed based on customer feedback. This means that one customers feature might be another customers gain. This way ClockIt intends to bring about a common process to HR systems. ClockIt also has a 30 day release cycle. These releases are made free to all customers. With a pay as you go model, customers have full control on the spend and can opt out any time. ClockIt also has dedicated online support with a response time of less than 2 hours. It does not matter if you big or small. All customers get treated equally.
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Kronos vs ClockIt
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