Projects and Tasks Tracking


Time Tracker for your Projects and Tasks


ClockIt time and attendance solution is also a time tracker for the work you do while you are clocked in. Our simple time tracker allows you to track time for your projects and tasks and run some awesome reports.

Track multiple projects.

Project costing and job codes.

Advance project reporting.

Supports both manual and automatic time.

Track task time using the mobile apps.

clockit task tracking

Online Task Tracker


Track time spent on projects using ClockIt online.


You can easily track time spent on all your tasks with the ClockIt online task tracker. 

Works on any browser.

Enter what you are working on and start tracking.

Automatic and manual task tracking.

Track tasks towards projects and job codes.

Easily manage your billable hours for client invoicing.

clockit online task tracker

Mobile Task Tracker


Time your tasks using the ClockIt Mobile Apps for both iOS and Android


Simplify your task tracking by using the ClockIt apps on iOS and Android. Track tasks and bill your customers for time spent on their projects. 

Available for both iOS and Android.

Simple and easy to use tracker.

Supports automatic and manual task time tracking.

Realtime reporting of billable and non billable hours.

time tracker app for ios and android. time clock app for time and attendance

Project time reporting


Generate project time reports within seconds.


Simple, easy-to-use reports enable you to run project reports with ease. Never exhaust your project budgets.

Keep your projects under control.

Customisable reports by client, project billable hours and job codes.

Export reports to CSV and Excel.

Realtime reporting of billable and non billable hours.

clockit task tracking reports

“This is exactly what we have been waiting for to add to our existing punch in punch out information.”

– John Mills, Cable Factory


Tracking Type

Manual and Automatic time tracking


With ClockIt you can set your time tracker to automatically track time or even make manual entries. Assign projects and task codes. And even make your tasks billable.

Our supercharged reports will allow you to design your reports the way you need it.


Track multiple project costs and monitor your overall revenue.


Know exactly where you are spending your money by setting costs, budgets, and spending. Customize reports the way you need them to make informed decisions on your projects. Set rates for your employees and track them by projects and job codes.

Job Code

Break down projects into job codes and generate awesome reports.


With optional job codes, you can break down projects into sub-codes. Users simply log their tasks against a job code. With job codes, you can run advance reports and create project category reports.


Advance reporting that supports filters, pivots, grouping, and segments.


Our advanced reports support grouping, filtering, sorting, etc so that you can make the most sense of your projects and how you are spending your money. Create segments and develop deep insights into your spending.


Control who gets to do what with project permissions.


Our great set of permissions will allow you to set who gets to see the time tracker information and who is allowed to make changes to it. You can even set managers to only see the tasks tracked for their team. As an admin you can have a complete view of your projects.