minutes to hours

Minutes to Hours

How to convert minutes to hours?


To convert minutes to hours and minutes, you can use a combination of division and modulus operations. The division operation will give you the whole number of hours, and the modulus operation will give you the remaining minutes.

Here’s how you can convert minutes to hours and minutes:

1. Divide the total number of minutes by 60 to get the whole number of hours.
2. Take the remainder (modulus) of the division, which will be the remaining minutes.

Let’s say you have 150 minutes:

1. Divide 150 by 60:
Hours = 150 / 60 = 2 (whole number of hours)

2. Take the remainder:
Remaining minutes = 150 % 60 = 30 minutes

So, 150 minutes is equal to 2 hours and 30 minutes.

Another example: If you have 75 minutes:

1. Divide 75 by 60:
Hours = 75 / 60 = 1 (whole number of hours)

2. Take the remainder:
Remaining minutes = 75 % 60 = 15 minutes

So, 75 minutes is equal to 1 hour and 15 minutes.

How to convert minutes to hours using Microsoft Excel?


In Microsoft Excel, you can use the following formula to convert minutes to hours and minutes:

=INT(A1/60) & ” hours ” & MOD(A1,60) & ” minutes”

Here’s how you can use this formula:

1. Assuming the minutes value you want to convert is in cell A1, enter the formula in an empty cell.
2. Replace “A1″ in the formula with the cell reference of the minutes value you want to convert.
3. Press Enter to get the result.

For example, let’s say you have the number of minutes in cell A1, and you want to convert it to hours and minutes. You would enter the formula in another cell, such as B1:

=INT(A1/60) & ” hours ” & MOD(A1,60) & ” minutes”

If A1 contains the value 150, the formula would return:

2 hours 30 minutes


If A1 contains the value 168, the formula would return:

2 hours 48 minutes


This formula divides the total minutes by 60 to get the whole number of hours (using the INT function), and then uses the MOD function to get the remaining minutes. The result is displayed as “hours minutes”.


How to convert minutes to hours using Google Sheets?


In Google Sheets, you can use the following formula to convert minutes to hours and minutes:

=INT(A1/60) & ” hours ” & MOD(A1,60) & ” minutes”

Here’s how you can use this formula:

1. Assuming the minutes value you want to convert is in cell A1, enter the formula in an empty cell.
2. Replace “A1″ in the formula with the cell reference of the minutes value you want to convert.
3. Press Enter to get the result.

For example, let’s say you have the number of minutes in cell A1, and you want to convert it to hours and minutes. You would enter the formula in another cell, such as B1:

=INT(A1/60) & ” hours ” & MOD(A1,60) & ” minutes”

If A1 contains the value 150, the formula would return:

2 hours 30 minutes

If A1 contains the value 168, the formula would return:

2 hours 48 minutes

This formula divides the total minutes by 60 to get the whole number of hours (using the INT function), and then uses the MOD function to get the remaining minutes. The result is displayed as “hours minutes”.


Why convert minutes to hours?

Converting minutes to hours is important in various scenarios, including payroll calculations, hourly wage calculations, and time tracking. By converting minutes to hours, you can accurately calculate work hours, determine wages, and manage employee time records. It helps streamline payroll processes, enables efficient wage calculations, and ensures accurate time management. Use an online payroll calculator like Clockit for precise conversions and easy calculations.


To convert time to decimal, follow this guide. 




Basil Abbas

Basil is the Founder and CTO at ClockIt. With over 10 years of experience in the products space, there is no challenge that is too big in front of him be it sales, marketing, coding, etc. A people person and loves working in a startup for perfection.